What's going on
where I'm at
🐶 Hi! Hi! Hi! 🐶
There are like EVENTS and stuff that are coming up!
(also so many more in my capacity as Scholar in Residence at NCJW.org, but one things at a time.)
Come see me IRL, over IG or ETC!
I know I am often a bit of a hermit so honestly here are some of the (mostly) ON REPENTANCE AND REPAIR: MAKING AMENDS IN AN UNAPOLOGETIC WORLD gigs that I’ll be gigging in th next lil’ while.
Come and get it while it’s piping hot.
(In which PB is “paperback” not “peanut butter.”)
- Friday, September 1st, 9am ET/8am CT, Beyond the Pale Radio, listen here
- Thursday, September 7th, 7:30pm CT Bookends and Beginnings, Evanston IL, with the great Marjorie Ingall—ON REPENTANCE AND REPAIR and her book SORRY, SORRY, SORRY— register here.
(The captions are funky, the return bus ticket is a shuv)
- Tuesday, September 12. 1pm ET: How do we Build the World we Long For? A conversation with Rabbi Dr. Julia Watts Belser and Rabbi Danya Ruttenberg. Together they will discuss Rabbi Dr. Watts Belser’s newly released book, Loving Our Own Bones: Disability Wisdom and the Spiritual Subversiveness of Knowing Ourselves Whole, and Rabbi Ruttenberg’s newly released paperback On Repentance and Repair: Making Amends in an Unapologetic World. On Zoom, with National Council of Jewish Women, registration link to come. Will be here, soon enough, and will update in the next few days.
- Tuesday, September 12th, 7-9pm CT IRL and via Zoom, Jewish Reconstructionist Congregation, Evanston IL, register here
- Wednesday, September 13, 3pm CT Discussing ON REPENTANCE AND REPAIR and radical vulnerability with the great Priya Parker on my Instagram Live
- October 6-9 I’ll be the teacher in residence at Simchafest at Isabella Freedman—Shmini Atzeret and Simchat Torah in Falls Village, CT, register here.
- Tuesday, December 5th, with The Partner’s Path, more info to come here.
Here (below), I’m talking about the impetus for the book—starting to realize that the laws of repentance could be applied in a broader way—and from there, I started to try to apply it to institutional harm, systemic harm, national harm.
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Yes, hey, all of these are birthday parties for this book’s paperback!
Anyway, come vibe with me?
If I did an open AMA (ask me anything) from my Instagram (Live), would you come?
And it’s possible a few more things might be added still, will update as relevant etc etc etc
Let the record state that I hear this song in the subtitle in addition to the obvious in the title. ↩